This soon-to-be-retired couple is getting ready early. With another year left until their transition to full time life on the road, they're slowly knocking out the upgrades that are going to make the lifestyle change smooth.

They wanted a robust, uncompromising powerful system that had lots of room for future DIY-able growth, and didn't take up all their storage. So we went to repurposing and rearranging the area behind a false wall in their basement storage allowing us to hide everything and only take up a fraction of their available storage.
1200 watt solar system pre-built for an additional 1200 watts easily added on
7200WH Battleborn Lithium Battery system operating at 24 voltsÂ
Smart Phase Selecting switch for total functionality in a 50 amp trailer
Bluetooth monitoring of solar and battery systems from phone
SmartSolar MPPT 150/100-TrVE.CAN Charge Controller w/Bluetooth